понедельник, 26 августа 2013
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кажется, у меня скоро будет новый "самый отпшный отп"

"The core of the show really is the relationship between these two, and the
adventure that they go on together. They desperately need each other,
they couldn’t go on without the other. John saves Dorian, Dorian saves John,
and together they save the world."

You're not like them.



"The core of the show really is the relationship between these two, and the
adventure that they go on together. They desperately need each other,
they couldn’t go on without the other. John saves Dorian, Dorian saves John,
and together they save the world."

You're not like them.


what do you want

She was Daenerys Stormborn, the Unburnt, khaleesi and queen,
Mother of Dragons, slayer of warlocks, breaker of chains, and there
was no one in the world that she could trust.
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ST 2009, Спок смотрит на Маккоя

#oh god the tiny little smirk on spock’s face in the first gif
#and the faint upwards curl of bones in the second one
#and yet people still think they hate each other
#how could they possibly hate each other when they clearly have so much fun harassing each other
#and jim for that matter?

Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence.
I choose the danger.

воскресенье, 25 августа 2013
what do you want

I'm not strong enough to stay away.
Can't run from you,
I just run back to you.
Like a moth I'm drawn in to your flame.
Say my name, but it's not the same.
You look in my eyes, I'm stripped of my pride.
And my soul surrenders,
And you bring my heart to its knees.
And it's killin' me when you're away,
I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused.
So hard to choose,
Between the pleasure and the pain.
And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right.
Even if I try to win the fight,
My heart would overrule my mind,
And I'm not strong enough to stay away.

I'm not strong enough to stay away.
What can I do?
I would die without you.
In your presence my heart knows no shame.
I'm not to blame,
Cause you bring my heart to its knees.
And it's killin' me when you're away,
I wanna leave and I wanna stay.
I'm so confused.
So hard to choose,
Between the pleasure and the pain.
And I know it's wrong, and I know it's right.
Even if I try to win the fight,
My heart would overrule my mind,
And I'm not strong enough to stay away.

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pre season 1: derek hale leaves beacon hills with his sister after his girlfriend turned out to be a murderer and most of his family died in away he feels responsible for, leaving behind his crazy uncle
post season 3: derek hale leaves beacon hills with his sister after his girlfriend turned out to be a murderer and most of his family died in a way he feels responsible for, leaving behind his crazy uncle
post season 3: derek hale leaves beacon hills with his sister after his girlfriend turned out to be a murderer and most of his family died in a way he feels responsible for, leaving behind his crazy uncle
what do you want

J.R.R. Tolkien’s illustrated manuscript of ‘Shelob’s Lair’ from The Two Towers.
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