what do you want

awww =)

what do you want
what do you want


what do you want
проект Женщины Северной Америки (там есть и Южная)
помогает с самооценкой, по крайней мере мне? без одежды мы все равны, одинаково прекрасны, etc.

@темы: фотографии

what do you want
what do you want

а также Orange is the New Black (!!!must watch!!!) и Orphan Black (!!!то же самое!!!)?

Orphan Black


@темы: Defiance, Orphan Black

what do you want


what do you want
:chups: все узнали пришельца?

вот здесь еще
не удержалась, запощу киркохан (вовсе не новый пейринг!)

@темы: Звездный Путь


what do you want

The ages of the Star Trek actors during TOS (1967) and STID (2013).
Because I’m a nerd and like comparing things like this…
The reboot cast is, on average, 2 years younger than their TOS counterparts.
If you take John Cho out of the equation that jumps up to 4 years…


@темы: Звездный Путь

what do you want

@темы: Breaking Bad


. . .

what do you want
By Michael Talbot

@темы: художники


what do you want
Goeth: You know, I look at you. I watch you. You're not a drunk. That's, that's real control. Control is power. That's power.
Schindler: Is that why they fear us?
Goeth: We have the fucking power to kill, that's why they fear us.
Schindler: They fear us because we have the power to kill arbitrarily. A man commits a crime, he should know better. We have him killed and we feel pretty good about it. Or we kill him ourselves and we feel even better. That's not power, though, that's justice. That's different than power. Power is when we have every justification to kill – and we don't.
Goeth: You think that's power.
Schindler: That's what the emperors had. A man stole something, he's brought in before the emperor, he throws himself down on the ground, he begs for mercy, he knows he's going to die. And the emperor pardons him. This worthless man, he lets him go.
Goeth: I think you are drunk.
Schindler: That's power, Amon. That is power. [gestures toward Goeth as a merciful emperor] Amon the Good.
Goeth: [he smiles and laughs] I pardon you.
— Список Шиндлера

@темы: цитаты, фильмы


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what do you want
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what do you want
не все еще видели диско-доктора от anaeolist? =) кстати, она создала отдельный тумблер для споунзов, в нашем полку снова прибыло :lol:

I really want to know just what exactly bones was doing with his retirement
#but there's also a large part of me that never wants to know #the fuckin medallion i cant
#'disco mountain man' is by far the best descriptor I've seen of his appearance in tmp [x]

@темы: Звездный Путь

what do you want
последняя картинка неправильная, у прайма нет даже кресла >.<

@темы: Звездный Путь


what do you want
what do you want
"After all, to the well-organised mind, death is but the next great adventure."


@темы: Гарри Поттер

what do you want
what do you want

what do you want
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