суббота, 12 октября 2013
what do you want
я знаю, почему ее убили, потому что создатели ребута не знают, как справляться с женскими персонажами, если они не привязаны к мужчинам (как Ухура или Кэрол))))
пятница, 11 октября 2013
what do you want
The weird thing about Battlestar Galactica is that it has a beginning, a middle, and an end, which very few sci-fi shows have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Most sci-fi or genre shows get pulled or yanked before you actually get to an end. So what’s fantastic about Battlestar is not only is it one of the best human political dramas you’ll ever see - it’s kind of like The West Wing in space - I don’t know what you’re laughing at, it kind of is, we won Emmys and Peabodys and everything else for it. It’s fantastically written. It’s got some of the greatest female characters you’ll ever see on television, which makes it interesting. Some of the most beautiful women you’ll ever see, too. A female president and all sorts of fun stuff. And deals with issues that no other show was dealing with at the time - which, everybody says that, but it’s actually true. And it has a beginning, a middle and an end. It’s worth watching. And at some point you will watch it, that’s the point. Somebody will either give it to you, or you’ll start dating somebody who’s watched it and you’ll end up watching it again. And it’s a fun thing for that.
PS Марк Шеппард = Кроули из СПН, Баджер из Светлячка, также замечен в Докторе Кто и мноооого где еще))
PS Марк Шеппард = Кроули из СПН, Баджер из Светлячка, также замечен в Докторе Кто и мноооого где еще))
what do you want
Джосс Уидон, разрушитель жизней.
#Remember when you made Buffy? #Remember when you made the equally amazing spin off Angel? #Remember when you made Firefly and it didn’t get the recognition or support it deserved until AFTER it was cancelled? #And then made an amazing movie to tie it up that broke our hearts #FUCKING LEAF IN THE WIND WITH TEARS EVERYWHERE #Remember when you made Dr. Horrible which was an amazing internet musical that was funny and charming and then so sad? #With fucking NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AND FELICIA DAY AND NATHAN FILLION? #On a low budget just to give us all a little bit of entertainment during the writer’s strike? #Remember when you wrote so many amazing stories with compelling and strong characters #Shaped a generation and sparked creativity and imagination in children and teenagers everywhere who wanted to write? #Brought to the table amazing fantasy and sci-fi shows that will probably be remembered for decades and generations? #Because when I am old and have children or grandchildren #I am going to have them watch Buffy and Firefly and put on the Avengers #And yeah the special effects will probably look pretty cheesy compared to in fifty years I bet #But it will be considered a classic from my time #Because you are Joss Whedon #Writer #Hilarious man #Feminist #Equal right supporter #and all around flawless human being #And you my friend are definitely. #SO. #COOL. [x]
просто ППКС.
#Remember when you made Buffy? #Remember when you made the equally amazing spin off Angel? #Remember when you made Firefly and it didn’t get the recognition or support it deserved until AFTER it was cancelled? #And then made an amazing movie to tie it up that broke our hearts #FUCKING LEAF IN THE WIND WITH TEARS EVERYWHERE #Remember when you made Dr. Horrible which was an amazing internet musical that was funny and charming and then so sad? #With fucking NEIL PATRICK HARRIS AND FELICIA DAY AND NATHAN FILLION? #On a low budget just to give us all a little bit of entertainment during the writer’s strike? #Remember when you wrote so many amazing stories with compelling and strong characters #Shaped a generation and sparked creativity and imagination in children and teenagers everywhere who wanted to write? #Brought to the table amazing fantasy and sci-fi shows that will probably be remembered for decades and generations? #Because when I am old and have children or grandchildren #I am going to have them watch Buffy and Firefly and put on the Avengers #And yeah the special effects will probably look pretty cheesy compared to in fifty years I bet #But it will be considered a classic from my time #Because you are Joss Whedon #Writer #Hilarious man #Feminist #Equal right supporter #and all around flawless human being #And you my friend are definitely. #SO. #COOL. [x]
просто ППКС.
what do you want
what do you want
what do you want
с 1 августа 2013. курсивом - не первый раз.
28. Гравитация
29. Гордость и предубеждение 1940
Сериалы (эпизодами)
123. Breaking Bad 5x01
124. Breaking Bad 5x02
125. Breaking Bad 5x03
126. Breaking Bad 5x04
127. Breaking Bad 5x05
128. Breaking Bad 5x06
129. Breaking Bad 5x07
130. Breaking Bad 5x08
131. Breaking Bad 5x09
132. Breaking Bad 5x10
133. Breaking Bad 5x11
134. Breaking Bad 5x12
135. Breaking Bad 5x13
136. Breaking Bad 5x14
137. Breaking Bad 5x15
138. Breaking Bad 5x16
139. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 1x04
140. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 1x05
141. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x01
142. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x02
143. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x03
144. Battlestar Galactica Pilot Miniseries
145. Battlestar Galactica 1x01
146. Firefly 1x10 War Stories
147. Firefly 1x11 Trash
148. Firefly 1x12 The Message
28. Гравитация
29. Гордость и предубеждение 1940
Сериалы (эпизодами)
123. Breaking Bad 5x01
124. Breaking Bad 5x02
125. Breaking Bad 5x03
126. Breaking Bad 5x04
127. Breaking Bad 5x05
128. Breaking Bad 5x06
129. Breaking Bad 5x07
130. Breaking Bad 5x08
131. Breaking Bad 5x09
132. Breaking Bad 5x10
133. Breaking Bad 5x11
134. Breaking Bad 5x12
135. Breaking Bad 5x13
136. Breaking Bad 5x14
137. Breaking Bad 5x15
138. Breaking Bad 5x16
139. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 1x04
140. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic 1x05
141. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x01
142. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x02
143. Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog 1x03
144. Battlestar Galactica Pilot Miniseries
145. Battlestar Galactica 1x01
146. Firefly 1x10 War Stories
147. Firefly 1x11 Trash
148. Firefly 1x12 The Message
what do you want
what do you want
сделала новый мультифэндомный клип, тоже очень классный *_*
PS сколько вы узнали? я процентов 80, наверное
PS сколько вы узнали? я процентов 80, наверное
what do you want
и пойду порыдаю. еще один из любимейших и лучших сериалов.
и вот насколько я люблю Кару и ее мужчин, насколько я люблю Номер Шесть, которая ведь тоже прекрасна в пути от сайлона к почти-человеку(?), но все же Афина и Хило — это прям. лучшая история. лучшая линия. такая любовь, такая борьба *_*
это, кстати, как раз тот актер, который был в 9x01 СПН.
и вот насколько я люблю Кару и ее мужчин, насколько я люблю Номер Шесть, которая ведь тоже прекрасна в пути от сайлона к почти-человеку(?), но все же Афина и Хило — это прям. лучшая история. лучшая линия. такая любовь, такая борьба *_*
это, кстати, как раз тот актер, который был в 9x01 СПН.
what do you want
What's your opinion on Faith? Why do you think she acted the way she did in s3?
Oh, dangerous question, I could write entire essays about Faith’s character and what motivated her actions.
I think Faith’s issues initially stemmed from the reception she received when arriving in Sunnydale. Faith has led a very solitary life; we know her mother was an alcoholic who paraded men through their home and possibly beat her daughter. I firmly believe (although it’s not canon) that Faith was also sexually abused as a child/teenager. She is used to living a life with no love, no affection and no real bonds. Her Watcher was probably the first person to show her kindness and the murder of her Watcher has deeply affected Faith. When she arrives in Sunnydale, she is searching for family. She wants to be close to Buffy, to Buffy’s friends and Buffy’s Watcher. She wants somewhere to belong, somewhere to call home.
Unfortunately Buffy’s attitude sets Faith back. She was not prepared for dislike or disdain. Faith assumed that being the Slayers would bond her and Buffy and she wanted Buffy’s love and approval more than she would admit. When she didn’t receive it she was deeply hurt and became bitter and jaded. As the season progresses and the Scoobies continually leave her out of the loop and refuse to include her, this hurt and bitterness grows, culminating in her attitude/apparent lack of remorse when she accidentally kills the Mayor’s assistance. Wes trying to lock her up like an animal is the final straw; she decides then and there that she cannot trust these people, will never be accepted by them and that she might as well not even try. So she goes to the Mayor, initially because she feels that being on the side of “good” is not getting her anywhere, so she might as well go to the other side. After all, if the “heroes” refuse to accept her, where else can she turn?
Ironically, the Mayor finally gives Faith what she has been craving her entire life - family. He accepts her for who she is and loves her for it. He becomes her father figure, someone who will genuinely love her and take care of her, someone with whom she doesn’t have to pretend and can entirely be herself (dark side and all). The more love the Mayor gives her, the more she turns on the Scoobies; in her mind they become the enemy, the ones to take down. She has been so deeply rejected by them that she has to think of them this way, as a release for her anger.
All this being said, none of what Faith went through is an excuse for what she did and the crimes she committed, both against the Scoobies and against civilians. It gives a reason for her actions but at the end of the day, Faith made a conscious choice to join the Mayor. She was not forced into this decision nor coerced, she freely chose to become “evil” and she spends the rest of her arc trying to find redemption for her past crimes.
Oh, dangerous question, I could write entire essays about Faith’s character and what motivated her actions.
I think Faith’s issues initially stemmed from the reception she received when arriving in Sunnydale. Faith has led a very solitary life; we know her mother was an alcoholic who paraded men through their home and possibly beat her daughter. I firmly believe (although it’s not canon) that Faith was also sexually abused as a child/teenager. She is used to living a life with no love, no affection and no real bonds. Her Watcher was probably the first person to show her kindness and the murder of her Watcher has deeply affected Faith. When she arrives in Sunnydale, she is searching for family. She wants to be close to Buffy, to Buffy’s friends and Buffy’s Watcher. She wants somewhere to belong, somewhere to call home.
Unfortunately Buffy’s attitude sets Faith back. She was not prepared for dislike or disdain. Faith assumed that being the Slayers would bond her and Buffy and she wanted Buffy’s love and approval more than she would admit. When she didn’t receive it she was deeply hurt and became bitter and jaded. As the season progresses and the Scoobies continually leave her out of the loop and refuse to include her, this hurt and bitterness grows, culminating in her attitude/apparent lack of remorse when she accidentally kills the Mayor’s assistance. Wes trying to lock her up like an animal is the final straw; she decides then and there that she cannot trust these people, will never be accepted by them and that she might as well not even try. So she goes to the Mayor, initially because she feels that being on the side of “good” is not getting her anywhere, so she might as well go to the other side. After all, if the “heroes” refuse to accept her, where else can she turn?
Ironically, the Mayor finally gives Faith what she has been craving her entire life - family. He accepts her for who she is and loves her for it. He becomes her father figure, someone who will genuinely love her and take care of her, someone with whom she doesn’t have to pretend and can entirely be herself (dark side and all). The more love the Mayor gives her, the more she turns on the Scoobies; in her mind they become the enemy, the ones to take down. She has been so deeply rejected by them that she has to think of them this way, as a release for her anger.
All this being said, none of what Faith went through is an excuse for what she did and the crimes she committed, both against the Scoobies and against civilians. It gives a reason for her actions but at the end of the day, Faith made a conscious choice to join the Mayor. She was not forced into this decision nor coerced, she freely chose to become “evil” and she spends the rest of her arc trying to find redemption for her past crimes.
один из лучших сериалов ever.
what do you want
Фелиша Дэй (стрижка!!!), Закари Леви и Элиза Душку - на одной фотографии
четверг, 10 октября 2013
what do you want
what do you want
going along with that whole spock babysitting joanna thing that’s been circling my head for a few days now
what do you want
среда, 09 октября 2013
what do you want