21 Relationship Dealbreakers For Geeky Girls1. “Fantasy culture is silly, none of it is actually real.”Ok then, muggle.
2. “What do gamer girls play? Mario Kart?”WoW, friendo. WoW.
3. “Joss Whedon, he’s the Avengers guy, right?”Come with me, you’re in need of a Netflix intervention.
и далее 4. “Just as long as you aren’t one of those Renaissance Faire people.”
Now, that joust isn’t faire.
5. “I don’t like the old Star Wars movies, but the new ones are good.”
Jar Jar you kidding me?
6. “I think Tom Hiddleston is overrated.”
Well that’s just crazy talk. Absolutely Loki.
7. “Do you have any hot cosplay outfits I could see?”
I do, and no you cannot, because YOU MUST EARN THE COSPLAY HOTNESS.
8. “Role-playing must be a big part of your sex life.”
Welp, now you’ll never find out (too bad for you).
9. “I’ve never been to ComicCon, but it just seems like a bunch of weirdos.”
It is, and I will show you the light. LET’S GO, VIRGIN.
10. “So, guess that Hogwarts letter never came, huh?”
11. “But I only read the first Harry Potter book, didn’t like it.”
Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, that’s — YOU’RE WRONG. TO THE BOOKSTORE!
12. “You’ve probably only seen the movies, but the Lord of The Rings books are great.”
You are a Nazfool.
13. “Nerdy girls are usually awkward, you must be pretty awkward.”
Well, now, yes.
14. “A lot of nerdy girls are bi, are you bi?”
Well, bye.
15. “That Benedict Cumberwhatever is ugly.”
16. “Are you actually into comic books? A lot of girls pretend they are to seem cool.”
Observe my pull list.
17. “I just don’t think female superheroes are very believable.”
Not as unbelievable as that statement.
18. “You’re pretty hot for a nerdy chick.”
Clearly you have never heard of/seen Felicia Day.
19. “You must be super into Twilight.”
Whaaaat? No! (I read them all in my locked apartment with the curtains closed and my phone off but we DO NOT EVER talk about it.)
20. “Are your glasses real?”
Nope, they’re an illusion.21. “I only watch Game of Thrones for the sex scenes.”I’ll just Khaleesi myself out.