what do you want
да-да, Крис Пайн не умеет играть, ах-ха
#i wanted to make a joke about ‘mm hot beat-up kirk’
#but really look at this for a while
#when this same man is getting the shit beat out of him at a bar
#he doesn’t look like this #instead he’s still smirking
#almost LAUGHING #as if there is some sick humor he finds in his own pain
#as if he deserves it #he doesn’t look angry when the harm is coming to him
#but here he is looking at a man who harmed- killed- someone he so very much cared about
#the person who killed not the second father #but the only one he had ever known
#there is nothing but pure potent animal //hatred// in his eyes right now
#he’s almost unrecognizable #and he’ll be damned if he’s going to let this bastard